63 : cause those truth hurts, lies heal..

I don't care how far you are from me
or how long it been since we've talked
I don't care how mad i got at you
or how mad you've been at me
you are still what matters most to me
&& i'm never going to give that up
45 : sharp knife can do much damage
it's hard to think of that i miss you so badly, even if i had the chance to call you whenever i want, it just hurt me more to think of you. All the past, you just throw it away, thinking that it was my mistake, but don't you think you were the one too, the one that didn't hold on to me as you did from the beginning? I realize that we could have much more than love and happiness. We had our time, and we can do more than just being two lovers. I should have hold on for a bit longer.. But no, i was that girl, stupid enough to make all this pain to myself, while you sit and laugh at me as i was some stalker. Anyway you found your way and now i think of you, we really was in love? Or was i dreaming? It felt like forever i even spoke to you. Would you please give me a call? I just miss you and it hurts to see you coming along with your life. When mine ain't the same as before. Who thought a knife would do so much damage. Happy memories are what i can think of.. Funny while i'm thinking of it to make me happier, but it only make me sad enough to think of it.

I just try to keep smile like i used to do next to you, even if it's the most painful thing i can do in this world right now.. Looking for a bright future for me.
Love songs kills me to death..
39 : Shit Asian Mom Say
25 : Arcada or Åbo Akademi?
Between Arcada and Åbo Akademi ? So hard to choose between those two, good opportunities to get a nice job/education and can study further with theme/subject we take. Eventually, i think Arcada is more fun. I don't know, why? Probably cause they're having a much nicer website than ÅA ? And Arcada is in Helsinki, ÅA in Turku? Which one.. Hard decision.

city hunter cute clips

Klippte Keny's hår när han var här senast! Tredje gång jag klippte NÅN's hår ever! :D Iaf blev ganska nöjd, han klaagde inte alls att det blev ful utan tyckte om det (hoppas jag!!). Färgade även håret efter klippningen. STOLT.
I never though i would fall this hard
I'm going to be the best you ever had, none can love you like i did, none can make you feel like i did, no, because we ain't the same. And this is how i gonna love you. I will love you like i never did before , Oh no.. Im going to love you like crazy. I will show you the things i've never showed before.. Shoot me up into the sky, where i can feel free, let me go and you will see.. I'll be there someday and make you feel all this love-thing.
" I will always love you forever" - Tae Yang / Wedding Dress
Cũng bởi vì trái tim em cần anh
Dẫu chỉ là những giấc mơ thật mỏng manh
Sẽ bên cạnh em những khi em bật khóc trong đêm buồn
Chỉ cần anh luôn ở đây bên cạnh em
Dẫu chỉ là những giấc mơ thật mỏng manh
Sẽ bên cạnh em những khi em bật khóc trong đêm buồn
Chỉ cần anh luôn ở đây bên cạnh em
better than best
Jag önskade att jag var så stark nog att göra er stolt. Men jag är nog det inte, jag har svikit er flera gånger. Inte ens en enda gång gjorde jag det rätta. Men jag måsta säga, tiden med er/dig kommer jag aldrig att glömma. Jag har varit stolt över att ha kompisar som er. Ni är det bästa man kunde få, ingenting slår ert vänskap. Fastän vi har gått igenom en hård period för en del av oss men vi är fortfarand där för varandra.. No matter what. Vi alla har vuxit något, (förutom jag HAHA!) och vi alla har vårt mål att nå, men jag hoppas att vi alla i framtiden kommer att vara där för varandra och inte se som om vi vore främlingar.. Jag saknar det som vi haft men vi alla måste växa upp och vara vuxen eller hur? Jag älskar er, oavsett vad..
Even if we r not with each other all day, talking all day long or something like that. You guys are still my stars..

Iphone band
Det är tyvärr iphone 3. Men iaf, skulle vilja ha en band jag också ;) om jag hade en iphone förstås... :s
Kim Kardashian
Visste ni ... att jag inte visste vem Kim Kardashian var förrän M berättade åt mig..
Sen efter dess har jag sett henne mkt i skvaller tidningar som ligger i vårt latrum i skolan.. (A)
Wierd va :D But i think she got style, :D

1. Miu Le
Jag diggar starkt vietnamesiska låtar, här är en artist som sjunger väldigt bra.
Känner inte riktigt till henne men hennes låtar är så bra.
Bra utseende har hon också , Miu Le.