67 : noodle time
After more than 3 hours of english reading comprehension i'm dead. Need some sleep cuz i slept too bad.. It's only psychology left ! Gonna charge the battery and study my butt off!
66 : ngày hai
Vớ vẩn quá.. Buồn
65 : buồn vì..
Ối trời ơi. Chảng hiểu con người như thế nào nữa. Nói một câu rồi lại quay đi như không biết gì. Sao phải sống như thế nhỉ. Không thành con người nữa.
64 : active wordfeud player
Lol can't stop playing wordfeud!! There is also an app for Android too, wanna play with me ? Play against - TentenL ;)
63 : cause those truth hurts, lies heal..

62 : Take Care
61 : madame tussaud's
Lady gaga!! Picture soon up again!!
60 : even that could beat me down
Even that i told u i never want to ser you again, i probably was too angry and also too out of my mind. I never meant a single thing but i understand why it didn't work out as i planned. I still love the person i know from the beginning, nor the person you changed to.
59 : in London
I've been in London for over a week now. It has been amazing! I love oxford street n china town. (the most) haha. Well today we will hit off to centre again. No shopping though.
Yesterday was sick at Ministry of sound, one of the famous club in UK. I forgot my phone in my purse so i couldn't take any picture. Dj Hardwell who made a techno/house song with Dj Tiesto was also there!! He was awsome!
Also in this beautiful and spring weather we'be been to madame tussauds, walking to London eye and Big Ben, been to the palace where royality got married and. Every kind of places!
Now i'm hitting the shower and get ready for more advanture. But also have to wait for L to wake up, but the rest are already up.. Hehe.