beautiful monster

I think my plans for X-mas holiday is done. I think i might do it like i want it to be, but it's not sure yet. I also want to job, to get some cash to survive my 2011 x) It's not easy to not get some money per month like other children who gets.. But what can i do, get a job ofc. Well it's onlly 2 days left in school and then we only have 2 test and then it's holiday. I can't wait, i'm really tired of being in school right know. Can't do nothing but thinking bout to go home and sleep. After that feeling, you really feel fat ;) I bet you do! But nah, who cares about fatness, or bigness. I don't, but some people are meant to be, and others are not. But we all are the same! :) Well know i'm going to recorate my night club room, in FB. I'm not addicted, just need to be fixed. Going too sleep after a phonecall. Bye! Wish my days on holiday will be good. and memoryfull!

And btw, what the heck happend to T.O.P's hair..? I dont like it at all :/ pleease Choi Seung-hyun change your hair colour, it was much sexier before ://

gonnaa be with my bbyyyy next weeeek , :*:*:* can't wait :) KTTTTT<3

Postat av: Almedina :))

du är så fin van (:

2010-12-18 @ 20:48:19

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